For years, I have tried to respect his past abilities. He, like Barry Bonds, was a superstar that never needed to cheat to achieve a great career. Players like Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa apparently chose to cheat to become undeserving superstars during their final years, while A-Rod, and Bonds apparently chose to cheat to remain superstars during their final years.
Here are the numbers surrounding today’s outcome:
162 games
(full 2014 season) suspension (reduced from 211 games originally suspended)
salary suspension for A-Rod / savings for Yankees during the 2014 season
additional savings for the Yankees during the 2014 season (assuming A-Rod would have hit 6
homers to attain a career total of 660 homers) activating a contracted bonus
Although, in this country, everyone is
innocent until proven guilty, it is evident (for those who have paid attention to the MLB’s
Players Association since their existence) that the union has persistently
fought and stood by all of their accused players...until they saw the evidence
against A-Rod! That, in itself, is
beyond the obvious. Hence, there's enough for me
to believe since I am not privy to the supposed confidential evidence.
Now, once again, we have another major step taken towards helping us evaluate the Yankees’ spending and possible attainment of the avoidance of the 2014 luxury tax penalty for exceeding $189 million. Our next analysis will have to wait until the Tanaka outcome. Will he sign with the Yankees or one of the many other MLB teams that have bid for his services? If he does sign with the Yankees, will the Yankees have any leftover money? If he doesn’t sign, will the Yankees try to contract one or more of the remaining free agents?
There are so many questions that I
can’t wait to see answered during the upcoming week/months for this crazy
offseason! I believe that the failed television
soap opera writers and the Soap Network should have followed the Yankees’ scripts over the
years. Perhaps, then, they'd both still be in business. At
least we know ratings and bottom-line dollars are drawn to the unscripted Yankees and, for the last decade, A-Rod. Stay tuned for more episodes!
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